Wayne Dorset is a retired certified electrician with local Union number three. He started working with the New York City transit Authority as an assistant electrical engineer after graduating from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.
I enjoyed what I was doing, but I was more fascinated with the idea of hands on electrical work. The opportunity came about to become an electrician apprentice, and I grabbed at the opportunity and the rest is history. It was fun doing installation of lights, receptacles, motors, and controllers, switches, pipe, bending, etc. to name of you. During my time with Local union number three, I took the city exam for electricians and passed it and started working for the department of education and that’s where I ended my career after 36 years of service.
In what ways do you see your work as a form of service to others or a way of honoring God? What role does prayer or reflection play in your workday or approach to labor?
I was able to use that platform to help friends and families who needed a helping hand with emergency and regular electrical work and sometimes bringing my own materials. I could not achieve any of this without God, my mom and helping friends because I was doing two full-time jobs and apprenticeship school for a few years. My wife Denyse took me to the finish line with her help. At that time, I didn’t understand the power of prayer and understanding what it means to have people praying for you. I could have been killed by a train while performing my duties on the tracks in the subway. Now when I look back at certain incidents, all I can say is, but God. Without prayers and God, you get to realize that you are nothing. I realized that God blessed me and I will use those blessings to bless others and also to love others on this journey called life. Always remember in life we have to make sacrifices because God makes sacrifices for us every day. “ electricity reminds me of God. I can’t see it, but I can feel its presence.”
Be humble always!!!