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Our Senior Pastor

Our Church is One Big Happy Family

The Community Worship Center of SDA exists to create an environment where people can:

Our Vision

To help transform the lives of individual within our community and prepare them for the soon return of Jesus Christ.


CWC Team

Pastor Vincent Goffe

First Elder

Saira Doyle


Matthew Smith

Head Deacon

Ingrid Providence

Women's Minstry

Delores Sandy-Levene

Personal Ministries

Sandra Freeman

Caring Ministry

Laverne Jackson

usher's Minstry

Ravan Scott-Channer

Education Ministry

Mervis Anderson

Entertainment Ministry

Esther Charles-Barker

Youth Minstry

Lisa Mitchell

Single's Ministry

Kevin and Natalie WIlliams

Family Ministry

Lavona Cassimy

Music Minstry

Alfris Edwards

Media Ministry

Debra Charles

Hospitality Ministry

Elder Imogene Hamilton

Senior's Minstry

Prethadawn Jack

Sabbath school Ministry

Novelet Grant

Interest Coordinator